Craig Fox

I thought I knew God until…
I was traveling on holiday and stopped for a break at Mt Gambier in South Australia. Whilst walking around the local fare I came across a stranger who asked me 3 questions that I have never forgotten:
1. Do you believe in God? Answer: YES (as I was brought up in a God believing family + went to church).
2. Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed? Answer. YES (At least I thought so… I had given my heart to the Lord – but never felt any different).
3. How do you know? Answer… Blank, I didn’t know at all – which prompted me to ask could I know with real evidence?
I then received the Holy Spirit and I knew because I spoke in tongues, was baptised by full immersion and was amazed at how simple it was. Since then I have seen a lot of miracles when calling upon the name of the Lord, including a blind person’s eyes change & then he could see… A lame man have his crutches taken away & he walked unaided, and many others. He is truly a powerful God.