Quick Thoughts

Best Church Preaching the Truth with Proof in Kawana, Sunshine Coast


Do you know God?

God wants us to know Him. How can we possibly do that?  Thankfully God gives us the ability to know Him through the infilling of the Holy Spirit. We then receive God’s own nature inside us. We then can speak (in prayer) to Him, we can then read of Him with understanding in the bible books.

Don’t let the ‘What’ affect the ‘Who’ you are in Christ Jesus

Many things can happen to us in life. We are all subject to time and chance; the good and bad happens to all of us. The important point is for us to make sure that nothing that happens to us in our life (the ‘What’) has any bearing on the ‘Who’ God has graciously made us to be in His sight through the Holy Spirit (being His children). (Romans8:35-39)

Are you prepared for Jesus Christ’s second coming?

John the Baptist prepared people for the coming of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the first time, by baptising repentant people in water by full immersion. After Jesus was resurrected and went to the right hand of His Father, He sent the promise of the Father, the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ now prepares people for his second coming by baptising repentant people with the Holy Spirit.

Spiritual tears

There are a number of accounts in scripture where emotion and reaction to circumstances has been expressed in tears or weeping. Jesus Christ wept at the people’s unbelief and the state of Jerusalem. Peter wept bitterly after he had denied the Lord three times. Timothy shed tears over the pressures of ministry and of Paul’s plights. In his pleadings to the oversight of the church to stay the course and don’t go off track, Paul expressed tears of exasperation. Regardless of the reasons we may experience the salty discharge from our eyes, God has promised that He will wipe away all tears from our eyes because when His kingdom is finally and fully established, there is no more death or sorrow or pain.


Peace of God

Whilst, as spirit-filled people, we are not removed from the troubles of the world, our perspective is vastly different. Once we become a child of the living God we can confidently proclaim that ‘He who is for us is greater than all that can be against us’. As Jesus reminded His disciples when speaking about the coming of the Holy Spirit: “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27). God assures us that, no matter what, we are not alone. He is with his people for eternity.

The World at War

As we sit back and watch the news, we may feel helpless, disgusted, and of course deeply saddened by the atrocities of wars and conflicts that are now happening on our planet.  How can we do this to our fellow man? Surely some form of common sense and compassion can make world leaders stop and think of the outcome of their actions.  We were warned by Jesus Christ nearly 2,000 years ago that these tragedies will happen before he returns. So, whilst we share all the feelings and emotions of what is happening in our world, we know that once Jesus Christ returns our world will be on the path to peace and safety under the domain of His Kingdom on earth.

A Word of Encouragement

We encourage everyone who reads our Web site articles who are not members of our Revival Centres Churches across the world, to make sure you are following God’s Word in the way He has prescribed. The truth of God’s gospel message of Jesus Christ comes with proof, which is the experience of receiving the Holy Spirt, evidenced by speaking in tongues (a wonderful outward sign and personal prayer language to God – John3:7-8, Acts2:1-4, 37-39, Acts10:44-48, 1Cor14:2, Jude20-21). Please make contact with us if you want to know more about this experience and God’s salvation plan for you.

Life more abundantly

What did Jesus mean when he said, ‘I have come to give life and that more abundantly?’ Jesus was referring to first restoring the type of relationship that we lost through Adam with God but even going further than that relationship. Through his sacrifice we now can become joint heirs with Christ, sons and daughters of the living God and to reign with him as kings and priests in God’s kingdom.

Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed?

A very important question asked by Paul to disciples (followers) of Jesus Christ.(Acts19:1-2) And, an equally very important question to anyone today who truly believes in Jesus Christ but has not had the experience of receiving the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues…the same way believers did on the Day of Pentecost (Acts2:1-4) and to those believers Paul spoke to (Acts19:6). Please make contact with us about these things; it is too important to ignore.

Watch, to be ready

We are told quite clearly that the Lord will come like a thief in the night. So whilst there are many events in our world that draw our attention, we need to be careful that if we become overly focused on these things, looking for meaning or signs, we can become so distracted that we don’t see the ‘thief’ entering into our house. So, we are encouraged to watch (be vigilant, on alert) so that we are walking carefully, being guided by God’s Word.

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