
Best Church Preaching the Truth with Proof in Kawana, Sunshine Coast

Here are some personal testimonies of God’s Truth becoming a reality in the lives of every day people

All of these are personal accounts of the power of God today. These people have all been baptised by full immersion, received the Holy Spirit, with the Bible described signs that follow including speaking in tongues. They are all members of Revival Centres Church and these are their stories. It is the same experience that people in the first church had 2000 years ago on the Day of Pentecost.

We hope you are encouraged by the description of a powerful, living and personal God who is active in the lives of those who call on Him. These include stories of healing, provision, comfort and a connection with the God of the bible. If this hasn’t been your experience to date, we encourage you to call out to God and ask for the Holy Spirit, the sign of His anointing.



Craig Fox

Craig F

I thought I knew God until…
I was traveling on holiday and stopped for a break at Mt Gambier in South Australia.  Whilst walking around the local fare I came across a stranger who asked me 3 questions that I have never forgotten:
1. Do you believe in God? Answer: YES (as I was brought up in a God believing family + went to church).
2. Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed? Answer. YES (At least I thought so… I had given my heart to the Lord – but never felt any different).
3. How do you know?  Answer…  Blank, I didn’t know at all – which prompted me to ask could I know with real evidence?
I then received the Holy Spirit and I knew because I spoke in tongues, was baptised by full immersion and was amazed at how simple it was. Since then I have seen a lot of miracles when calling upon the name of the Lord, including a blind person’s eyes change & then he could see… A lame man have his crutches taken away & he walked unaided, and many others.  He is truly a powerful God.


For many years I had questions about life and death and wondered what the meaning was of it all.
I looked for answers in religion, philosophies and alternative lifestyles. I wanted to be right with God, connect with Him, but nobody could tell me how. Until 1994 when my family and I were running a caravan park. We met two people there who told me that I needed to receive the Holy Spirit with the Bible specified evidence of speaking in tongues. One person said: “I can talk to you about Jesus for days, but you won’t understand until you meet Him”. I received the Holy Spirit and was baptised by full immersion. I never felt so clean and whole before.

My varicose veins had troubled me for many years and were getting worse as I got older. After prayer the pain and discomfort disappeared miraculously, even though the varicose veins are still visible. God has given me hope for the future, direction, purpose and peace.

David Cummings

david cummings

After a tragedy in our family we were left devastated and looking for meaning in life. We were told about a God who gave comfort and that could heal. After praying earnestly to God I was miraculously healed of Asthma almost instantly. It was fantastic as I could then enjoy winters and sport without having breathing difficulties or asthma attacks. I have also been healed of skin complaints, warts, and even the simple cold! Over 35 years on I can still praise God’s name as he has also blessed my children with many healings, and blessings of provision.

The best thing about being spirit-filled is knowing that I have a future and God’s blessing is always with me, no matter what comes my way.

Brent Heirdsfield

Brent H

I grew up in a family where I was aware of God working in our lives but it wasn’t until I was in my late teens that it really hit me that I didn’t have a personal relationship with God like my other family members and friends. So for a time, I had been praying about it, all the while trusting God would answer my prayers. In early September 2017, while I was praying I noticed an unusual sensation in my mouth like something was happening but I felt unsure so I stopped praying. Then I spoke to my family about my desire to be baptised by full immersion as I felt like I had to take a step towards God in faith and in doing so that he would confirm to me that I indeed had received the Holy Spirit. Within seconds of being baptised and coming up out of the water, I was praying in tongues fluently, in a language I had never learnt. It was an amazing blessing and a moment I will never forget. My family and I were filled with joy, and it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

I now know that God is truly real as I have that personal relationship with him, I’m excited about the future and I’m looking forward to good things.

Linda Feather

Linda F

lthough I was brought up a Catholic and always believed in God, I was missing something in my life. One of my brothers told me all about the Holy Spirit experience and how he was baptised. I eventually met other people from the church and I saw their happiness. When I was 18 years old I got baptised & 2 weeks later at a Sydney Revival Rally I received the Holy Spirit.

At the end of 2014 I was diagnosed with graves disease. Through prayer & confessing the power of Jesus Christ I was healed and given the all clear by my doctor in the middle of 2016. I continue to praise the Lord.

Amber Fox

In 1992, I no longer just thought or hoped there was a God, I knew with tangible proof because I got baptised by full immersion and received the gift of the Holy Ghost with the bible explained evidence of speaking in tongues.  I went from thinking all churches were the same because they believed in God, to realising that there is a difference from someone who believes and someone who acts on that belief.  No good being a teacher and not teaching kind of thing.  I tussled initially with wanting to connect with God in a way that suited me, but my friend kindly pointed out that if I want to follow God, it’s not about suiting me, but suiting Him. I love now being able to talk to people about the objective proof on offer rather than a subjective experience and knowing that God’s salvation leads to eternal life when Jesus comes back is the icing on the cake!

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