Quick Thoughts

Best Church Preaching the Truth with Proof in Kawana, Sunshine Coast



Do you ever feel that you are just not up to living to God’s standard? Moses felt that way when he was tasked with being God’s representative before Pharaoh. Moses considered himself and concluded that he fell short of being well able to perform the task. (Exodus 4:10) However, one thing Moses failed to appreciate was that God would equip him to be well able. As time went on it became apparent to Moses that God had equipped him for the task and so Moses then embraced the promises of God. Likewise, as spirit-filled people, we do not have to consider our own perceived weaknesses and inabilities; but rather focus on and appreciate how God has given us all we need through the Holy Spirit to be ambassadors for Him and to live according to His standard. Remember, God has throughly furnished us unto all good works. (2Timothy 3:17)

Seek ye first the kingdom of God

The words of Jesus Christ clearly direct us to what should be our priority in life. But what does it mean? When we are baptised by full immersion in water and when we receive the Holy Spirit, we receive our ‘first love’; we have sought and found the kingdom of God. In the letter to the Ephesians church, as recorded in Revelation, it tragically indicates that they lost their first love. They forgot that their priority in life was to God and not to life.

Our endgame

God’s people are encouraged to keep their focus on what God has planned past this era that we live in. (1 Peter 3:10-14) The message is not to be caught up in the day to day issues of life but to make decisions and keep commitments that have the next phase of God’s wonderful redemptive plan in mind.

Spiritual Leadership

Jesus Christ tells us that the purpose of the Holy Spirit is to lead and guide us into the truth of the Word of God (John16:13). The Apostle Paul wrote how those that are led by the Spirt are the sons of God (Romans8:14). Paul also wrote how our carnal nature is constantly battling against the leading of the Spirit (Galatians15:17).  A spirit-filled person has the ability through the Holy Spirt to be a true spiritual leader in all facets of their life.


When a person first receives the Holy Spirit, they are likened to the size of a grain of mustard seed. A mustard seed has everything it needs inside to grow to be the biggest of trees. And thereby, to have an immense influence on its environment. (Matthew 13:31-32). Spirit-filled people are in a position to be of great influence to those that are around them. The encouragement is to ensure that such influence is not discouraging but encouraging of fellow spirit-filled people and even more so, those who have not yet received the Holy Spirt.

Spiritual DNA

Have you ever had the situation where you were told you look like your parent or, if you are a parent, your child looks like you or has some similar features and characteristics?  When a person receives the Holy Spirit they are given the characteristics of God. These characteristics are described for us as the manifestations and fruit of the Spirit. (1Corinthians 12:8-10; Galatians 5:22-23) As spirit-filled people we have the wonderful ability to show others the nature and character of God through what we say and more importantly what we do. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if someone said to you, I can see the features and characteristics of God in you.

Foundation Statements of Jesus Christ

What statements of Jesus Christ do you think would apply for those who want to follow God fully and completely through out their entire lives once they have been baptised and received the Holy Spirit? There will be many, and we will just put forward a few: ‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness…’ (Matthew 6:33); ‘Love (serve) the Lord you God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ (Matthew 22:37; ‘Love (serve) your neighbour as yourself.’ (Matthew 22:39). These statements are directions of the Lord that underpin the life of a spirit-filled follower of God.

By the rivers of Babylon – Psalm 137

God’s people found themselves in a very precarious situation. Faced with captivity they mourned when they remembered what they had and what they had forsaken through disobedience to God’s Word. Even though their situation was bad they did not take heed to the positive prophecy through Jeremiah that their captivity was only going to last 70 years. At the end of that period they would have the opportunity to return to their homeland. At anytime in our lives we may face circumstances that cause us to feel alone, isolated or under attack. If that happens, God’s people are to remember the great and precious promises He has made to them through Christ Jesus. God has promised an eternal release from our captivity, which is from our mortality, into an everlasting existence in his glorious presence.

I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world

These are the comforting and reassuring words of Jesus Christ as He gave the disciples (and all true followers) the authority to preach the gospel message of His death and Resurrection. Jesus had warned His followers that they could expect opposition and even hard times when they spoke of Him. But Jesus affirmed that whilst there may be tribulation, His followers were to be bold and courageous and have confidence because  through His death and Resurrection God had provided the way to overcome all the conflicting issues of the world, with the greatest victory being over death. Matthew 28:20