Is God Real? Put God to the Test!

You may be quick to dismiss the idea that God, the Creator of all things is real. But on the other hand, are you quick to give credit to every other alternate proffered in opposition to His existence: Big bang, evolution, spiritualism, humanism etc. But in doing so, you are putting your trust and a ‘faith’ that those who promote such things are right. But have you put them to the test? Or do you blindly follow or take the easy path of wilful ignorance?
If you are up for the challenge, God, the Creator of all things, can prove His very existence. And even though the proof can easily be seen all around us with our natural eye or aided by a microscope or telescope, the proof of God’s existence is actually a personal and tangible experience available to the whosoever.
This experience is not based on mental application or emotion. The proof of God’s existence comes when a person receives God’s Holy Spirit. The real tangible evidence is that they will speak in other tongues (an unlearned and unknown prayer language) direct to God. This also is a sign to those who do not believe in the existence of God and a sign of the “true worshippers” to those who do. (Acts 2:1-4, Acts 2:37-39, Acts 10:44-48, Acts 19:1-7, 1Corinthians 14:4, 21-22, Mark 16:16-17)
So, if you have ever wondered if God is real, or if you are doing all He wants of you, then why not put God to the test and give God a chance to prove Himself to you, personally. The wondering will then be over. To make contact complete the form below and we’ll be in touch.