Is Christmas really to do with Christ?

Do you know that Christmas is meant to be the celebration of Jesus Christ’s birthday… but ironically it’s not even his birthday! And even more ironically, the fact that Christ was born (and died then rose again) should really be celebrated every day, not just on a nominated “commercial” day whether that be Christmas or Easter. The world misses the true reason of Jesus Christ’s birth day and therefore, they miss a whole lot more about what he came to accomplish.
Ask yourself, what will be the message on your Xmas card? No doubt it will be along the lines of peace, goodwill, unity and love. And whether you are ‘religious’ or not, these sentiments are good sentiments but alas, our world is far from realising them.
What would you think if this was the message on your Xmas card?: Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
Undoubtedly you would be outraged and quick to express your disapproval to whoever sent you the card. But what if the person said it was just a quote from the person who is portrayed as a babe in a manger at this time of year? (Mw10:34) Would it make you stop and think, what is the true message of the gospel of Jesus Christ? What was he born for? Why did he have to die? Why was he brought back to life? Something very misunderstood, yet so simple, it’s beautiful.
The fact is that the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ brought with it conflict, unrest, disapproval, unbelief and murder. Tragically, nothing has changed today. But the good news is you can have real, tangible personal peace with the one and only God, the Creator of all things through Jesus Christ. Only then will you understand the context of His quoted statement. He didn’t come to unify by agreeing to disagree and granting everyone peace, He came to divide those who did and didn’t want to follow Him. And those that want to follow him will have the blessed assurance of a future existence in His kingdom to come on earth, where over time, everlasting peace, goodwill, unity and His love will reign. Want to be a part of that kingdom? Submit a query to find out more.