Baptism or Christening?

The concept of water baptism has received a plethora of thought and opinion over what it is, whether it is essential for salvation and whether it means infant sprinkling, christening at any age or if it is full immerision in water.
So, let’s take a look and see what we can glean from scripture on the topic of water baptism.
Literally what is it?
The words ‘baptism’ & ‘baptise’ are derived from the Greek language (baptisma, baptizo). They are used to describe the process of the dying of cloth; which was fully immersed (or baptised) in dye. In the Bible when people were baptised they were fully immersed in water (Matthew 3:16; Acts 8:39). And baptisms took place in places where there was sufficient water (John 3:23).
Why be baptised?
Well, firstly, it is a commandment so that should be the end to the matter (Acts 2:38, Acts 10:48, Mark 16:16). But, it is good to know why. So, in 1Peter 3:21 we read that baptism is the answer of a good conscience towards God. God’s Word says be baptised, and as we humbly do this we have a good conscience towards Him.
Further, a second parallel is evident from Romans 6:4; “we are buried with him (Jesus) by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life”. Water baptism is like a burial. We go into the water as Jesus went into the grave; we rise out of the water with the expectation that, if it has not happened prior to baptism, we will be filled with the Holy Spirit – born again having newness of life. Baptism is a burial of the old life with all its problems and difficulties, and because we are prepared to do this God gives us a new life by the Holy Spirit. See also Col 2:12 and John 3:5-8
Is baptism essential to salvation?
The simple answer (as it should be) is Yes. See Mark 16:16; John3:5; Acts 2:37-38 and Acts 10:47-48.
What about children being baptised?
As we read in 1Peter 3:21 baptism is the answer of a good conscience towards God. Therefore, before a child is baptised s/he needs to be able to understand what it represents and what it means in regards to committing their life in service to God.
What about christening infants?
This is an institution that does not have a direct biblical reference. Some argue that there are inferences of infant baptism in scripture, such as Lydia’s household (Acts 16:15) and the reference by Peter on the Day of Pentecost to “the promise to you and your children” (Acts2:39). However, it seems that it was not until the second and early third century that the practice of infant baptism became common practice. As time moved on the practice changed to sprinkling or the pouring of water over an infant’s forehead.
So in summary, Baptisim is one of the essential elements of the salvation message throughout the bible, it was done at an age where people could show a good conscience towards God and was by full immersion so if you would like to be baptised, just like Jesus Christ was, then Contact Us today because now is the day of salvation as we read in 2Corinthians 6:2.