In God’s presence
Imagine what it must have been like to be the High Priest of Israel who went into the Most Holy place of the tabernacle on that single occasion each year and into the presence of God. A bit scary perhaps or full of excitement and anticipation? How many questions by others would he have been asked? How many times did he give an account of his experience? This incredible experience was only available one day of the year (Day of Atonement). Was he hanging out waiting for it to come around again? Did the impact and impressions of the first occasion stay with him? Or did it wain? Today, we are able to come into the presence of God 24/7. It happens when we receive the Holy Spirit. Our bodes become the tabernacle of God; His presence is now within us. As Spirit-filled people we are encouraged to continue to build ourselves up on our most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost and keeping ourselves in the love of the Lord.